The comments that followed Barbara Kiviat's recent Curious Capitalist blog, Rich people still have jobs; poor people don't offered only top-of-the-head reactions to the numbers and possible reasons for them.
I thought it more curious that it seemed to bear out what Napoleon Hill claimed in Think and Grow Rich, that if the same number of rich people and poor people receive the same amount of money, the rich people will end up with all of it fairly soon.
Rather than insulting the rich people for being unrelenting capitalist pigs and thieves or the poor people for being lazy, no-good welfare-dependent thieves, we need to observe the difference in their thought processes.
What are those making $138,700+ thinking? Who are they being? What are they doing? What is their attitude toward money? How do they use their riches?
What about those making $12,160? Who are they being? What are they thinking? What are they doing? How do they think of money? How do they use the little money they have?
Where do you fit? Where do you want to be? What if you started being that person today? I don't mean go out and buy a yacht. That sort of doing is for later, and only if that is what you decide to do with your riches. But for today, who would you be if you were rich? What would your life look like?
If you have not yet found your next job, are you being a jobseeker, or are you being the person who already has a job and knows it just hasn't yet arrived?
Sunsetting JibberJobber (the CRM app)
This email took weeks to write. I didn’t know what to title it, or what to
include. Since May of 2006 we have provided a service that, back then, was
6 months ago
Thanks, 皮東!